protestant whiskey in the wire

protestant whiskey in the wire
protestant whiskey in the wire
The Wire re-up: season five, episode two – drinking in The Wire.
That's Prod Whiskey! - Fish Eaters Traditional Catholic Forum.
That's Protestant Whiskey - Tee It Up Shirts - Skreened T-shirts.
McNulty Irish Whiskey by ~qetza on deviantART.
Feb 23, 2010. Watch The Wire enough and you will soon pick up the drinking habits - see a bottle of Bushmills and call it "Protestant whiskey" or at the end of.
Sláinte: The Irish Whiskey Blog: A (not-so) Modest Proposal.
A Primer on Irish whiskey - TSB Magazine.
A good Irish Whiskey. [Archive] - SnusOn Snus Forum & Community.
Barfly 201: Protestant and Catholic Whiskeys |
"bushmills thats a protestant whiskey"- the wire.
Mar 21, 2013. The Wire-what a show! Only recent was my introduction to this brilliant piece of TV genius, an avid fan of quality Television shows I was.
Aug 4, 2011. Jason's final article on whiskey leads us to Ireland.. I suppose I knew that Irish whiskey existed in the realm of whiskeys, but I think that The Wire brought it to the forefront. James 'Jimmy' McNulty: That's Protestant whiskey.
xMurderJunkiex. 02-04-2011, 12:00 PM. I vote Jameson's. That's my go-to. Bushmills is Protestant Whiskey. (A little "Wire" reference for you.).
Jun 19, 2010. 24 Responses to “The Wire – McNulty on Bushmills”. @boydo04 is it true northern island is mainly protestant? Follow Me: Whisky LA.
Augstine Baker: Vid-clip of McNulty from "The Wire" http://eponymousflower. LausTibiChriste:.